Thursday, July 18, 2013

Meanwhile . . . at the Hall of Justice; Superheroes converge on Gila Valley to help child battling cancer

The real Iron ManWonder Woman

The real Iron Man

Brock Innes, a 4-year-old battling cancer, shows everyone how to perform the Wonder Woman lasso of truth tire pull, the first obstacle in the Brock’s Superhero Mayhem Fun Run fund-raiser at Eastern Arizona College Saturday.

By David Bell | 0 comments
THATCHER — Face front, true believer!
Eastern Arizona College played host to a tale so titanic, even Smilin’ Stan Lee and Rasically Roy Thomas would be hard pressed to match.
Brock Innes, a 4-year-old battling rhabdomyosarcoma — a testicular cancer — was the inspiration for Brock’s Superhero Mayhem Fun Run Saturday at EAC.
“We all love superheroes and Brock thinks they are the greatest,” said Patti Guerrero-Wren, who organized the event with the Associated Students of Eastern Arizona College Ribbon Club.
“It’s a club set up to help people in the community,” she said.

The Mighty ThorThe Flash

Like Brock — who has had two surgeries and is now undergoing six months of chemotherapy — and his family, who are facing a growing volume of medical bills.
“The support is amazing,” said Brock’s father, Drew Innes. “I didn’t think so many people would show up.”
Participants had to overcome the Crisis on Earth Prime by making their way through 11 obstacles that took them through virtually the entire EAC campus — the Wonder Woman lasso of truth tire pull, the Superman time climb/leap, the Joker’s bleacher run, Captain America’s shield (Frisbee) throw, the Thor hammer swing, the stair run of the Bat Cave, Bane’s hill roll/run, Spider-man’s wall climb, the Hulk Smash stage with a medicine ball, Iron Man’s rocket dodge (push ups and high jumps) and the Flash 100-yard dash.
The namesake superhero/villain was at each station to guide participants, who were encouraged to take part dressed as their favorite superhero.
“I just want to thank everybody that came out. Words cannot describe the feelings we have seeing all the support,” Drew said. “And Brock loved seeing all the superheroes.”

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